Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Vermont

                                                           Sarah's hard work in the garden

                                                               Lots of apples from the yard.

We lose power more then often.

                                    Showing Katie, Matt and Keelan the Hollister Hill farm stable.

                                                          Keelan clearly likes the big wheel.

                                                                       Lovely sarah

                                                        Ryan practicing his fathering skills.
                                            Our favorite place to be after ripping singletrack.

What a week, fresh vegatables and apples from the garden, wonderful far away friends visiting, good food, beer and riding bikes.  This pretty much sums it up as Sarah, Odin and I had a great couple of days practicing what we most enjoy here in the Summer in the great state of Vermont.  Katie, Matt and Keelan we hope to see you this winter,thank you so much for visiting will see you soon.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Backyard Harvest

Those who know us know that this has been a different kind of year for us, one in which we  are getting accustomed to being homeowners. It feels like something we were meant to be, and we feel like we're in a place we were meant to be. As we drove home from work last night we stopped to look at one of our favorite views, just down the road from our home. From here, you can see the Worcester Range, Camel's Hump and the Monroe Skyline, and the sunset.

Last night, we found ourselves in our backyard, where we worked in the garden, chopped wood, and picked some vegetables for our dinner. A true backyard adventure; an adventure of a different kind entirely.

 We have already enjoyed a few meals featuring ingredients from our garden, but last night was the first time an entire meal was made from the garden. We had ratatouille and salad, with fresh Red Hen bread. Yum. It's a good life!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How Singletrack is Born

 Joe's Yoke: A great way to get in crushed rock, old school.
 Kip trying out the bridges, even the unfinished ones.

(photos courtesy of Kip Roberts and Kevin Jaques)

The ORS crew met up at one of our favorite local places to ride, Millstone Hill, in the beautiful historic quarries of Websterville, Vermont to get our hands dirty and work with the likes of Kevin and Jason Jacques, Joe, and Ricky of the Millstone crew.  These folks have been responsible for all the new trail creativity and vision at the touring center, and we figured it was time to help out.  With tools abounding and by way of tractor and lots of muscle power we were able to get some quality trail work done on "Rock and Roll" a trail that gives access to the new Harrington Heights.

This is how it happens folks: a lot of hard work and sweat. I myself need to log in more time to giving back and making the singletrack here in Vermont even better than it already is.  If you love to ride singetrack, get out there and throw some dirt or rock around; give back.  Singletrack doesn't just happen, it's born by sweat, blood, and sometimes tears; good tears that is! So next time you hear about a trail day or run into to folks doing trail work while you're riding, stop for a second and help out; I guarantee you and the VT singletrack will be better for it!
